Dry Creek Conservancy is a community based nonprofit charitable organization that focuses on collaborative efforts of watershed stakeholders to improve resource management and maximize collaboration among landowners, land users, recreational users, government agencies, and conservation groups.
Dry Creek Conservancy Facebook Page
Roseville Adopt a Creek Program – Dry Creek Watershed
DCC has recently received a contract to host events to support the Roseville program and will be recruiting volunteers during the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.
Dry Creek Watershed Adopt-a-Creek Map
Watershed Indicator Report – A Model For Others
The Dry Creek Watershed is a vital spawning location for the fall-run chinook salmon. These salmon, however, have been decreasing drastically for the past 15 years. Some factors that play a part in this effect include changes in marine conditions, food supply, and changes within the Dry Creek watershed itself. The Office of Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has been working closely with the Dry Creek Conservancy (DCC) and American Basin Council of Watershed’s to construct a watershed indicator report to keep track of the trend and status in watershed health. In addition, the Stressor Identification (ID) method will be used, which will provide a deeper understanding of the stressors (drivers) in the watershed as well as assess conditions and identify causes of damage in waterways.
The report encompasses a wide range of areas including Rocklin, Roseville, Loomis, Granite Bay, and parts of unincorporated Placer County northeast of Sacramento. It includes background and history of the watershed, physical habitat stressors, biological indicators, water quality stressors, landscape sources of stress and chapters on possible administrative responses. These indicators may span from Benthic Macrovertebrates, Dissolved Oxygen, Fall Run Salmon and many more. Each indicator will describe a vital stressor, what it reveals, its importance as well as the technical details related to the stressor analysis.
OEHHA is in the process of completing the report and will continue to post information as it becomes available.
Below are the parts of the reports that are finished to date: